Check out the review. “I highly recommend you see The Crucible; it’s a very powerful story executed with care and skill.”

“It is my name. I cannot have another in my life! How may I live without my name? I have given you my soul, leave me my name!”-John Proctor

Get tickets here.

Dreamwell Theatre presents Arthur Miller’s “The Crucible.” The dramatic story of the Salem Witch Trials is one of the classics of modern theatre. While there are many themes at work in this amazing play, Dreamwell chose it because of the character John Proctor and his struggle to remain true to himself– will full acknowledgement of his own weaknesses–no matter what the consequences might be. This show will be directed by Scott Strode.

Sept. 30, Oct. 1, 7, 8 at 7:30 p.m.
Unitarian Universalist Society, 10 S. Gilbert St. Iowa City, IA
$13 general admission, $10 senior/student. Call 319-541-0140 or go to our Tickets page for reservations.

Director Scott Strode says, “Arthur Miller uses the metaphor of the crucible to chilling effect. Certainly it is prevalent in the lives of his characters, but isn’t it also an appropriate metaphor for our own lives? John and Elizabeth Proctor, Giles Corey, Abigail Williams, Danforth, and others in the play find themselves in crucibles of their own making. Are those crucibles so far from our own?”

This is the first show in Dreamwell’s first ever fall-summer season, moving away from their previous calendar year season. The theme “Here I Stand” is taken from the quote “Here I stand, I can do no other.” by Martin Luther, each of the season’s offerings features characters who choose to be who they are, despite the consequences. This season we celebrate the strength of character we can all achieve.

Betty Parris – Mira Bohannan Kumar
Reverend Parris – Jim Evans
Tituba – June Kungu
Abigail Williams – K. Lindsay Eaves
Susanna Wallcott – Maya Bergman-Corbet
Ann Putnam – Lois Crowley
Thomas Putnam – Paul Freese
Ruth Putnam – Laura Cornell
Mercy Lewis – Emily Coussens
Mary Warren – Kelly Scherrer
John Proctor – Brad Quinn
Rebecca Nurse – Bryson Dean
Giles Corey – Scott Strode
Reverend Hale – Brett Myers
Elizabeth Proctor – Traci Gardner
Francis Nurse – Mark Nidey
Ezekiel Cheever – Jacob Hulme
John Willard – Daniel Eliserio
Judge Hathorne – Ben Singer
Deputy Governor Danforth – Jason Tipsword
Sarah Good – Elisabeth Ross