Dreamwell Theatre will hold auditions for “Fix Me, Jesus” by Helen Snead and directed by Rachael Lindhart at the Iowa City Public Library. Dates and times are Saturday, January 19th from 1 to 4:30 pm and Sunday, January 20th from 1-4pm. Friday’s audition time has been cancelled due to weather. Rehearsals will begin January 27 and will be held at Trinity Episcopal Church on College. Performance dates are March 8, 9, 15, and 16.
“Fix Me, Jesus” by Helen Snead is a comedy built around issues arising when three generations of women from a wealthy Texas family collide in a fitting room in a Dallas Nieman Marcus store.
Mrs. Craig- long-time Nieman Marcus Saleslady in her late 40s to mid 50s
Annabelle Armstrong- 33 years old and our leading lady; she has a varietY of problems, ranging from possible anorexia, a very poor self image, panic attacks and reliance on her father. At the same time she is highly intelligent and educated and heroic
Young Annabell- 10 years old and trying to please all the women in her family and her demanding father
Annabel’s Mother, early 40s, struggling to keep her marriage together and dependent on her mother for advice in doing so
Grandmother- 60 to 70 years old, and a proud Texas bigot; a character and fearless
Dr. Feld- about 45 and possibly good looking — certainly Jewish looking, from New York and a psychoanalyst
If you have questions, please call Rachael Lindhart at 319-337-2206.
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