A Taboo Bijou
- Poona the F**kdog and Other Plays for Children by Jeff Goode, directed by Meg Dobbs and Brian T., February
- Blackbird by David Harrower, directed by Angie Toomsen, March
- The All in a Day Play Festival 3, sponsored by Dreamwell Theatre and City Circle, July
- 9 Parts of Desire by Heather Raffo, directed by Rachel Howell, August
- A View From the Bridge by Arthur Miller, directed by Krista Neumann, October
- Writer’s Joust-November
- Winner: Innocence by Tom Deiker, performance directed by Pauline Tyer
- Runner up: Divergence by Janet Schlapkohl, reading directed by Rachael Lindhart
- Runner up: The Night I Kissed Osama bin Laden by Joe Jennison, reading directed by Gerry Roe
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